Monday, December 20, 2010

"Hey America!"

Another day on Planet Bizarro...the multi-millionaire Senate majority leader Harry Reid is now referring to illegal immigrants as Americans! The multi-millionaire House majority leader Nancy Pelosi believes that welfare and food stamps actually STIMULATE the economy! The multi-millionaire President of these United States, Barack Hussein Obama, has continuously vilified the Bush-era tax policies...but now believes that they will stimulate the economy and create jobs! Like the old STAR TREK episode featuring a parallel universe populated with our goateed evil twins, I keep waiting to see the facial hair appear on everyone, then I check the mirror to see if a goatee has appeared on MY face...nope!

In this lame-duck portion of the 111th Congress, the very people that we voted out are desperately trying for one last "SCREW YOU, AMERICA" with some pretty critical issues. We have (mostly) heterosexual and vehemently anti-military legislators voting to force the majority of our military to accept a perverse lifestyle that a minority of them have chosen. We have legislators voting on a nuclear weapons treaty while allowing two of the most unstable regimes on the planet to develop the means necessary to produce them! We have the same legislators who refused to pass a budget at the start of the current fiscal year NOW trying to cram through another deficit-buster to govern the spending of the NEXT Congress.

At the start of each new Congress in January of every odd-numbered year, the entire House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate take this oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

It seems to me that any of our elected lawmakers who refuse to enforce Federal immigration laws and/or wish to create a new and shorter "path to citizenship" for these lawbreakers are guilty of violating their oath of office and should be criminally indicted for the same.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Triangulation For Dummies

There seems to be a new political buzzword floating around...TRIANGULATION. In the pre-GPS era, triangulation was how one determined their location. With a map and bearings to 2 fixed points, one could determine exactly where they were.

There are two problems with triangulation as it applies to elected office. (A) If you don't know where you stand, should you really be in, or considering, public office? And (B) There is only ONE fixed point in politics...that is TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL over the citizenry. The other point is that level of government intrusion that WE THE PEOPLE are willing to accept.

It is refreshing to see WE THE PEOPLE pushing back against growing governance via the Conservative movement, talk radio, the Internet and the TEA PARTY. But is it enough, and is it in time?

As a group, the Progressives seeking total global government control are FAR outnumbered. Their strategy? Reduce the opposition to numerous fringe groups who would be willing to give away a little freedom to accomplish their individual agendas. We see it in the political arena every day. Don't you find it somewhat ironic that the Democrats, the self-proclaimed PARTY OF UNITY, seek to divide us at every turn?

If you disagree with their stance on illegal immigration, then you are a heartless bigot who seeks only to destroy families who are doing the jobs that we won't do. If you value the traditional nuclear family and don't want sexual perversity shoved in your face, then you are a homophobe!!! If you have worked hard all your life and amassed any kind of wealth or estate, then you are one of the EVIL WEALTHY. That is, unless you are the President or an elected Representative...then you play yourself as just a regular citizen who understands our needs and legislates accordingly.

This DIVIDE AND CONQUER strategy is in full swing, and those who seek the destruction of the American Experiment in Liberty to bring about a GLOBAL GOVERNANCE have two things on their side...UNLIMITED PATIENCE and UNLIMITED MONEY. They only need us to keep giving up a little freedom at a time. Like the frog in the slowly-heating pot of the time he realizes he's dinner it's too late for him to do anything about it.

Friday, December 3, 2010


MOMENT OF TRUTH is the title of the recently-released report from the President's non-partisan Debt Commission after researching the government's taxation and spending practices. The harsh reality of the predicament that OUR government has put us in is now out in the open for all to see. The situation? It is deep into the fourth quarter, and we are way behind. We are looking at 4th and long, and punting is simply not an option anymore.
Yes Mr. President, it truly your MOMENT OF TRUTH. Are you the America-hating Socialist that I feel you are, hell-bent on the destruction of our way of life? So far, you have yet to prove otherwise. From your constant apologies for American exceptionalism to your obvious disregard for history and disdain for the will of the American people, you have done nothing to convince ME otherwise.
America DOESN'T need fundamental transformation, our government does.